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Hochstraße Süd - Ludwigshafen

Ludwigshafen, Germany

Start of construction: June 2024
Construction volume (value of our services): 1,4 M EUR

The new bridge serves as a replacement for the Pilzhochstraße between Weißer Hochstraße and Konrad-Adenauer-Brücke. It offers more safety and less road noise with the same bridge width. Thanks to our motivated staff and our…

Moorhusen railway overpass

Moorhusen, Germany

Start of construction: May 2024
Construction volume (value of our services): 170.000 EUR

BBV Systems supports the construction of the new railroad overpass in Moorhusen.

Elbebrücke, A 14, Wittenberge

Wittenberge, Germany

Start of construction: February 2024
Construction volume (value of our services): 2,9 M EUR

The project consists of the road bridge over the river Elbe, which is built as part of the new construction of the A14 Magdeburg – Schwerin motorway, located south of the city Wittenberge.

PWZ Proben- und Werkstättenzentrum

München, Germany

Start of construction: December 2023
Construction volume (value of our services): 125.000 EUR

BBV Systems is adding its expertise to this joint project involving many Implenia units.

Strengthening of Inn bridge, Eggelfing/Obernberg

Obernberg am Inn, Austria

Start of construction: July 2023
Construction volume (value of our services): 1 M EUR

Strengthening of a stressed concrete bridge over the river Inn, using post-tensioning bar tendon system.

Bahnhof Groningen, Phase 2

Groningen, Netherlands

Start of construction: February 2023
Construction volume (value of our services): 392.000 EUR

The project involves the complete conversion of the station area with the aim of promoting attractive urban development, including the southern districts of the city. This primarily involves the expansion of public transport…

KS-2 Tangenvika Jernbanebru, Norway

Stange, Innlande, Norway

Start of construction: May 2022
Construction volume (value of our services): 1,6 M EUR

The project consists of a new railway bridge between Espa and the Tangen peninsula in Norway.

STEP (Sation d’épuration) Mamer

Mamer, Luxembourg

Start of construction: September 2021
Construction volume (value of our services): 250.000 EUR

BBV Systems supports the extension of the Mamer sewage treatment plant with the installation of tendons.

Högreservoar Örebro / Water Reservoir Örebro

Örebro, Sweden

Start of construction: April 2021

The commune Örebro has planned a new water Tank reservoir to run the water pressure over the city under stable conditions. NCC Sverige AB was awarded with the tank construction including ground and concrete works and has…

Hoje Bridge

Arlöv, Sweden

Start of construction: March 2021

As part of the Swedish Railways' Lund-Arlöv four-track expansion project, ARGE NCC/OHL was commissioned by Trafikverket to build the Höje Bridge.

Yusufeli Bridge

Yusufeli, Türkiye

Start of construction: January 2021

In northeastern Turkey, on the road between Yusufeli and Bayburt, the Nurol-Gülsan consortium is building the Yusufeli bridge.

Hochstraße Elbmarsch, K20, A7

Hamburg, Germany

Start of construction: January 2021

The longest German road bridge at 4.2 km will be extended to 8 lanes over a length of 3.8 km.

Bridges Steinavötn, Fellsa und Brunna

Mosfellsbaer, Iceland

Start of construction: May 2020
Construction volume (value of our services): 100.000 EUR

Longitudinal post-tensioning of the 3 road bridges Steinavötn (length 100 m), Felsa (length 47 m) and Brunna (length 24 m) with BBV L15 tendons, using plastic ducts.

Bridge Lilla Lidingö

Lidingö, Sweden

Start of construction: April 2020
Construction volume (value of our services): 1 M EUR

With a length of 730 m, the new "Lilla Lidingö" bridge will be one of the longest bridges in Sweden. The bridge crosses the Lilla Värtan strait near Stockholm and is being built for pedestrians, cyclists and streetcars. …

Cautin River Bridge

Temuco, Chile

Start of construction: January 2020

In the south of Chile the Cautin River runs along the city of Temuco, the capital of the region de la Araucania with approx. 240,000 inhabitants.

Klosterwall Hamburg

Hamburg, Germany

Start of construction: January 2020

New construction of a quarter in the "Kontorhausviertel".

Windpark St. Gotthard

Airolo, Switzerland

Start of construction: January 2020

At the Airolo wind farm, 5 E-92 wind turbines with a hub height of 98 m were installed on the St. Gotthard Pass in Switzerland.

Windpark Mainz-Hechtsheim

Hechtsheim, Germany

Start of construction: January 2019

In the Mainz-Hechtsheim wind farm, 7 wind power plants of different sizes have been installed so far.

DB Tower

Frankfurt a.M., Germany

Start of construction: January 2019

The DB Tower project in the Europaviertel in Frankfurt am Main consists of a 60 m high-rise building with an adjacent plinth on a continuous 3-storey basement.

Zuidelijke Ringweg, Groningen

Groningen, Netherlands

Start of construction: January 2019

The southern bypass of the Dutch city of Groningen is about twelve kilometers long. The contract for the expansion of the southern ring road was awarded to the consortium Combinatie Herepoort.

Tower 99

Frankfurt a.M., Germany

Start of construction: January 2019

As part of the high-rise project Tower 99 West in Frankfurt am Main with 4 basement floors, a 17 meter deep excavation pit was created.

2nd Niger River Brücke

zw. Anambra State und Delta State, Nigeria, Nigeria

Start of construction: January 2019

The 2nd Niger River Bridge in southern Nigeria consists of a 1.6 km long prestressed concrete superstructure, which is built using the incremental launching method, cantilevered cantilever construction and on falsework. …

Parking of the Valais Hospital in Sion, Switzerland

Sion, Switzerland

Start of construction: July 2018
Construction volume (value of our services): 733.000 EUR Costs converted according to average yearly exchange rates during project realization

The project, developed by the award-winning architects in 2017 - 2018, was implemented by the general contractor Implenia. Thanks to the crossbeam system, consisting of a slab resting on three free supports, it was possible to…

Vorlandbrücke Neckartalübergang, BAB A6 bei Heilbronn

Heilbronn, Germany

Start of construction: March 2018

The Foreland bridge will be erected as a two-legged T-beam using the advancing method. Tendons of the types BBV L22 and BBV L15 are installed here.

Pfädchensgraben viaduct, A 61

Rheinböllen, Germany

Start of construction: January 2018

The two existing superstructures of the valley bridge will be demolished and replaced by new superstructures.

Windpark Storöy

Storöy, Norway

Start of construction: January 2018

The Storöy wind farm is located on the north side of the island of Storøya in the province of Rogaland near the city of Haugesund in Norway.

Saggrenda Brücke, Norwegen

Saggrenda, Norway

Start of construction: May 2017

A section of the E134 includes the approx. 300 m long Saggrenda Bridge, which spans 10 fields and rests on a 78 m long and 21 m high concrete arch over the Kobberbergselva river.

Windpark Krammer

Provinz Zeeland, Netherlands

Start of construction: May 2017

BBV Systems is responsible for the vertical prestressing of the towers.


Göteborg, Sweden

Start of construction: March 2017

To ease the traffic situation in Gothenburg, Sweden, the new Marieholmstunnel was built. It is intended to facilitate the crossing of the Göta Älv river, which runs through the city center, and to reduce congestion at the…

LNG Tank Revithoussa

Revithoussa, Greece

Start of construction: February 2017

The outer concrete tank with a diameter of 81 m and a height of 27 m received horizontal and vertical prestressing using BBV L15 and BBV L22 tendons.

Arge Fair construction pit north

Darmstadt, Germany

Start of construction: January 2017

The FAIR (Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research) construction project in Darmstadt included a new international accelerator facility for research with antiprotons and ions.

Überseequartier Hamburg

Hamburg, Germany

Start of construction: January 2017

Construction pit for 3 basement floors in diaphragm wall construction.

Ersatzneubau der Talbrücke Habichtswald

Leeden, Germany

Start of construction: December 2016

Tendons with a subsequent bond BBV L9 and BBV L15 as well as the external prestressing BBV L19E were installed here.

Catching plate and spreader bar - Stuttgart 21 PFA 1.1 sales unit 1

Stuttgart, Germany

Start of construction: October 2016

In the course of the implementation of the Stuttgart 21 construction project, a large part of the building of the former Reichsbahndirektion on Heilbronner Strasse was demolished.

Wehretalbrücke - Reichensachsen

AS Waldkappel und AS Ringgau, Germany

Start of construction: September 2016

The Wehretalbrücke is part of the new construction of the A 44 between AS Waldkappel and AS Ringgau.

TB Schraudenbach, BAB A 7

Schraudenbach, Germany

Start of construction: January 2016

The two superstructures (236 m) were each constructed in 6 construction phases.

BW 07, Ilmtalbrücke bei Stadtilm

Stadtilm, Germany

Start of construction: December 2015

In the course of the new line B 90n, the structure at Stadtilm crosses the Ilmaue and the B 87n.

Ludwig Erhard Brücke, Ulm

Ulm, Germany

Start of construction: June 2015

The Ludwig Erhard Bridge, built in 1989, spans the northern area of the station with a length of 295 meters and a width of 21 meters.

E18 Knapstad-Retvet, Norwegen

Knapstad, Norway

Start of construction: May 2015

Tendons for a section of the E18 between Knapstad and Retvet

Verkehrsknoten Spillepengen

Malmö, Sweden

Start of construction: October 2014

The 370 meter long bridge was concreted in three sections and post-tensioned by BBV Systems with internal tendons BBV L9 and BBV L19.

Red Line Projekt

Bangkok, Thailand

Start of construction: July 2014

BBV Systems Co., Ltd has received a major order for strand and bar tensioning work.


Tuttlingen, Germany

Start of construction: April 2014

New construction of the Danube bridge as a 2-span bridge in Tuttlingen

Lahntal Bridge Limburg, A3

Limburg, Germany

Start of construction: January 2014

Construction of a 450m long bridge.

Altstadtringtunnel München

München, Germany

Start of construction: July 2013

In the course of preliminary investigations for a planned repair of the Altstadtring Tunnel, the material properties of the built-in prestressing steel should be determined.

Zuckersilo Uelzen

Uelzen, Germany

Start of construction: May 2013

Prestressing of the concrete container with a height of approx. 60 m and a diameter of approx. 46 m.

Arendt House

Kirchberg, Luxembourg

Start of construction: April 2013

Along the J.F. Kennedy Boulevards in Luxembourg Kirchberg, the new “ARENDT HAUS” office building was built.


Vestnes, Norway

Start of construction: January 2013

The Tresfjord Bridge with a length of 1,290 meters is part of the approximately 20 km long extension of the E 136 motorway between Åndalsnes and Ålesund.

Kaufland Biberach an der Riss

Biberach an der Riss, Germany

Start of construction: October 2012

In the run-up to the repair of the beams of the department store, a conventional repair of the exposed parking deck (10,500 m2) was already carried out.

Trogbauwerk Scharpitz

Scharpitz, Germany

Start of construction: May 2012

New construction of the transfer structure 2952-08 of the DB-AG on the island of Rügen.

NEG Museumsinsel

Berlin, Germany

Start of construction: May 2012

For the construction pit and foundation of the new entrance building, the James-Simon-Galerie, BBV Systems was commissioned with the production and delivery of approx. 16,000 m of BBV injection piles.

LNG Tank Lysekil

Lysekil, Sweden

Start of construction: April 2012

In Lysekil on the west coast of Sweden, approx. 60 km north of Gothenburg, the currently largest LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) receiving terminal in Scandinavia was built on behalf of Skangass.

VUC Haderslev

Haderslev, Denmark

Start of construction: April 2012

The new headquarters for the VUC (adult education center) in southern Denmark was built in Haderslev with an unusual design that optically merges the interior and exterior spaces.


Kopenhagen, Denmark

Start of construction: March 2012

North of Copenhagen, a new 3 km long road connection ("Northern Harbor Link- '") between Nordhavn and Helsingørmotorvejen was built.

Arsta Brücke

Stockholm, Sweden

Start of construction: May 2011

The “Citybanan” project in the heart of Stockholm includes several tunnel construction projects (including the Söderström tunnel, which was pre-tensioned by BBV), as well as bridge structures over busy train routes and…

Bülow Carre

Stuttgart, Germany

Start of construction: April 2011

Construction of an office and administration building in Stuttgart.

Brücke E221

Pęcławice, Poland

Start of construction: April 2011

The E221 project is located in Pęcławice in Poland. The bridge consists of two adjacent superstructures.

Sheraton Park

Doha, Australia

Start of construction: March 2011

BBV Systems Co. Ltd. supplied anti-buoyancy anchors in the form of mini piles for the Sheraton Park project in Doha.

Tanzende Türme

Hamburg, Germany

Start of construction: February 2010

Two skyscrapers at the eastern entrance to the Reeperbahn in Hamburg are referred to as "dancing towers".


Stockholm, Sweden

Start of construction: September 2009

The Söderström tunnel as part of the Citybanan project is an approx. 300 meter long submerged tunnel that crosses under the Söderström and a branch of Lake Mälaren and is located between two rock tunnels.

Sava Brücke

Belgrad, Serbia

Start of construction: September 2009

In the city of Belgrade, the first new bridge in 30 years was the New Sava Bridge as a connection between the city center and New Belgrade.

Tunnel X-FEL

Hamburg, Germany

Start of construction: August 2009

The European XFEL is a 3.4 km long facility with which extremely high-energy laser light can be generated.

Großkraftwerk Mannheim

Mannheim, Germany

Start of construction: June 2009

Construction of a coal-fired power plant block to ensure long-term electricity and district heating generation


Unstruttal, Germany

Start of construction: March 2009

The Unstruttal bridge crosses the route, as part of the new Erfurt – Halle / Leipzig (NBS) line, north of the municipalities of Karsdorf and Wetzendorf, the extensive Unstruttal.


Krautheim, Germany

Start of construction: January 2009

The Scherkondetal Bridge is the first semi-integral prestressed concrete bridge for the high-speed traffic of Deutsche Bahn.

Windpark Casimcea

Casimcea, Romania

Start of construction: January 2009

In the wind farm, several construction teams set up different Enercon wind turbines with different tower heights up to about 135 m. The towers consist of individual, pre-produced, one-piece or multi-part precast concrete elements…

Under Elmene & Leifsgade

Kopenhagen, Denmark

Start of construction: October 2008

In Copenhagen, waterproof construction pits were created in the street area in the immediate vicinity of residential buildings for the new construction of the underground car parks “Under Elmene” and “Leifsgade”.


Offenbach, Germany

Start of construction: March 2008

The construction pit enclosure of the construction pit "KOMM".

Mainbrücke Randersacker

Würzburg-Randersacker, Germany

Start of construction: November 2007

The Main Bridge Randersacker spans the Main, a railway line, federal highway 13 and two state roads with a length of 540 m.


Kramfors und Umea, Sweden

Start of construction: October 2007

The bridges were longitudinally prestressed with BBV tendons of various sizes.

Wehrhahn-Linie, Los 1

Düsseldorf, Germany

Start of construction: July 2007

The state capital Düsseldorf is realizing the so-called core section of the Wehrhahn Line as an underground tram route to improve local public transport. With the new double-track tunnel route, which is a replacement for 5…

Saale-Elster Talbrücke

Halle, Germany

Start of construction: June 2006

With a total length of around 8,600 m, the new DB line is the longest bridge structure in Germany.

Golden Ears Brücke

Vancouver, Canada

Start of construction: April 2006

The Golden Ears Bridge is a newly built 6-lane cable-stayed bridge over the Fraser River and connects the districts of Langley and Surrey in the south with Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadow in the north of Vancouver, British Colombia. …


Nähe Trondheim, Norway

Start of construction: April 2005

As part of the Imarsund project, a new road connection was built on the coast of Norway, west of Trondheim.


Frankfurt a.M., Germany

Start of construction: January 2004

The construction of the southern part of the building is a special feature of the office tower.

ICE-Bahnhof Flughafen

Köln, Germany

Start of construction: January 2002

BBV Systems created the construction pit for the new ICE train station at Cologne / Bonn Airport.


Strömstad, Sweden

Start of construction: January 2002

The new Svinesund Bridge on the E6 is on the border between Sweden and Norway near Stömstrad.

Urban Superway

Adelaide, Australia

As part of this order, BBV Systems Co. Ltd. 5,000 tons of reinforcement cages were supplied, which were installed in 47 individual pillars on the 5 km long urban superway project in Adelaide, Australia.

Rügen Brücke

Rügen, Germany

BBV Systems was entrusted with the metrological check of the cables.