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Wehrhahn-Linie, Los 1

Düsseldorf, Germany

Start of construction: July 2007

The state capital Düsseldorf is realizing the so-called core section of the Wehrhahn Line as an underground tram route to improve local public transport. With the new double-track tunnel route, which is a replacement for 5…

Überseequartier Hamburg

Hamburg, Germany

Start of construction: January 2017

Construction pit for 3 basement floors in diaphragm wall construction.


Göteborg, Sweden

Start of construction: March 2017

To ease the traffic situation in Gothenburg, Sweden, the new Marieholmstunnel was built. It is intended to facilitate the crossing of the Göta Älv river, which runs through the city center, and to reduce congestion at the…

Pfädchensgraben viaduct, A 61

Rheinböllen, Germany

Start of construction: January 2018

The two existing superstructures of the valley bridge will be demolished and replaced by new superstructures.

Vorlandbrücke Neckartalübergang, BAB A6 bei Heilbronn

Heilbronn, Germany

Start of construction: March 2018

The Foreland bridge will be erected as a two-legged T-beam using the advancing method. Tendons of the types BBV L22 and BBV L15 are installed here.

2nd Niger River Brücke

zw. Anambra State und Delta State, Nigeria, Nigeria

Start of construction: January 2019

The 2nd Niger River Bridge in southern Nigeria consists of a 1.6 km long prestressed concrete superstructure, which is built using the incremental launching method, cantilevered cantilever construction and on falsework. …

Zuidelijke Ringweg, Groningen

Groningen, Netherlands

Start of construction: January 2019

The southern bypass of the Dutch city of Groningen is about twelve kilometers long. The contract for the expansion of the southern ring road was awarded to the consortium Combinatie Herepoort.