Short description
To ease the traffic situation in Gothenburg, Sweden, the new Marieholmstunnel was built. It is intended to facilitate the crossing of the Göta Älv river, which runs through the city center, and to reduce congestion at the neighboring Tingstadtunnel and the existing bridges.
The project
The Marieholm Tunnel is a road tunnel with a cross-section of approx. 30 x 10 m and 3 lanes each. The middle, approx. 300 m long section of the tunnel was constructed as a sinking tunnel. In a dry dock, 3 tunnel elements approx. 100 m long were created, which were lowered into a canal excavated in the river bed after floating out.
The elements were pre-tensioned in the dry dock to ensure stability and to limit the width of the cracks during the swimming and lowering process. 22 BBV L22 tendons with bond were installed per element. The BBV started the prestressing work on the first element at the beginning of 2017 and the work on the third element was completed by mid-2018. The tunnel was completed and handed over to the client, Trafikverket, at the end of 2020.