
Short description

The Wienerwald Tunnel is an integral part of the new high speed railway line between Vienna and St. Pölten.

The project

The whole Wienerwald tunnel  construction has been divided into the following three sections:

  • two single-track tunnel tubes, L = 2 x 10,770 m driven by a TBM;
  • a 2,356 m long, double-track tunnel section with widened tunnel area in conventional tunnelling method and
  • earth works of about 2 million m³ of solid material, renovation of dumpsite for domestic waste, roadway construction, canalisation and concrete engineering.


The ground cover above the tunnel crown varied between 6 - 190 m throughout the approximately 13 km long tunnel alignment. The tunnel runs through layers of silt-, clay- and sandstone as well as marl layers and marlstone. Water seepage of up to 5 l/s was also encountered during tunnel drive.

The 10.77 km long tunnel tubes were driven with two 10.69 m diameter hard rock tunnel boring machines. Both tunnel tubes are connected with 25 cross passages. The tunnel has a slight upward inclination of 0.3 %.

In addition to the 2,356 m conventionally driven tunnel of the eastern section, the scope included the construction of 3 galleries, 2 shafts and an emergency exit shaft. In order to reduce the risk of settlement in relevant sections of the tunnel alignment, tunnel excavation was carried out with side wall drifts. After completion of the tunnel drive a sealing membrane and a reinforced concrete inner lining was installed.


  • Simultaneous drive with two Hard Rock TBMs
  • Spoil gallery with a slope of 31.6 %, L = 520 m, A = 14.80 m²
  • Emergency ventilation cavern, A = 168 m²


Approx. 50 % of the muck from the TBM was reused as filler material for a 10 km long railway embankment. The rest (about 2 million cubic meters of solid mass) was deposited as replacement material or landfill of a former dumpsite for domestic waste.

Further information

Basic Data

  • Construction period:    2004 - 2010
  • Total length:    13.13 km
  • Cross section:       90 – 168 m2
  • Geology:    Silt-, clay, sandstone and marl layers and marlstone.

Implenia on site
Implenia Construction GmbH,
Civil Engineering
Landsberger Straße 290 a, D-80687 Munich

Part of commercial leadership
Participation on consortium 30 %

Work performed

Construction method

  • Hard Rock TBM Ø = 10.69 m
  • L = 2x 10,770 m, A = 90 m²
  • Inner concrete segment lining, t = 35 cm, b = 2.25 m
  • In total 25 cross passages, every 500 m
  • Conventional excavator and drill & blast drive, L = 2,356 m, A = 80 - 250m²    

Involved in Project

Austian Federal Railway AG

Implenia Construction GmbH
Structural Design (in JV)

ARGE Tunnel Wienerwald